Monday, July 21, 2014


More than half of the time Americans spend consuming digital media is now being done through mobile apps, according to a new report by comScore. It says the total hit 51 percent in May.

Overall, the report found 60 percent of digital media time was spent on smartphones and tablets rather than desktop computers, up from 50 percent a year ago.
Read more here at source article on CBSNews

And Android is over 80 percent of the market according to research 

 Networks are starting to broadcast their News and morning shows on Podcast and its a great step forward and I am a regular listener on podcasts on my phone and phablet and have found some suggestions for the networks to consider in the strive for excellence.  More power to those that listen and improve as the world of information changes. 


NBC News and Today show podcasts

Sadly NBC is going backward rather than forward by eliminating their video podcasts shortly as per announcement on their podcasts and will only be available on their website or designated specific application. Audio podcasts will be still available just like the other networks for NBC News but it is not clear whether audio will also be available for the Today show.  So for that reason I have downgraded their rating to B plus and with the scandal with their formerly top rated newcaster Brian Williams I may downgrade even further depending on who is his replacement.

Contact NBC News directly by email if you also feel this is a step backward as NBC eliminates their video podcasts

Jeff Simon: The Brian Williams mess is just a byproduct of the nature of TV news

His goose, some say, is cooked. Fricasseed and served with a generous helping of mashed potatoes. NBC’s long initial silence on it all was hardly encouraging.
Fundamentally the network now faces a wretched business calculation: Is Williams -- the No. 1 news anchor in the United States -- too damaged to continue in the job? And are NBC's ratings and profits better off with him or without him?
 Not true anymore......has to be given high ratings as they upload Today Show and NBC fairly faithfully each day although some days are missed. which is surprising for such a professional organization even if they do their News broadcasts everyday and techicians have to be on duty regardless so it would seem to be routine to do it always but still some days are missed surprising for podcasts.

NBC has gone downhill in news podcasts and are no more sadly for the world audiences

ABC News is fairly faithful in uploading the newscasts but they sometimes miss an episode like they did this last entire weekend.

 Sound is usually  loud for hard of hearing but not always so it is not always high enough so they need to still make it louder. They could still boost it more to make it better able to be listened to by the hard of hearing and elderly.

Usually they upload audio within two hours after broadcast.

Video podcasts are now being uploaded by ABC so update your podcast subscriptions but sadly they don't work yet as when you click their download it says no data meaning the site is empty. Hopefully they will work this problem out shortly and increase their audience potential with 80 percent of the market might be android according to internet links found in google.

Sadly their morning show is not broadcast in either audio or video which leaves the field to NBC thankfully but hopefully they will realize that viewers want the morning show on line as well.
CBS News nightly is sometimes uploaded but it is surprising that as professional an organization they are with nightly broadcasts, that someone does not have it in their workstatement to make it a standard simple upload nightly after their broadcast. Seems strange for a professional network and android being 80 percent of the podcast market (see reference link at beginning of article)

For example in the last week podkicker had CBS News uploads on July 15, 14, July 11, and July 11 only or 5 days out of 14. It still is not regularly uploaded showing a lack of professional and pride in their craft/

When they upload they usually upload within two hours after broadcast so it is rated high on this scoring. With all the other issues as discussed below I have given them a D rating for their not uploading video and not uploading a regular basis and also not uploading their morning show and often their email doesn't work either.

They upload only in audio and hopefully with the world changing and competition doing video, they will realize that the show is best viewed on podcasts in both audio and video as even ABC seems to be doing soon.

Elderly unfriendly low sound levels.  Their audio is frightful low sound levels and their techicians should listen to NBC and ABC sound levels and borrow their audio programs to make their CBS news broadcasts are  listenable for the elderly and hard of hearing,  as now I have to hold my phone right to my ear to hear their sound as it is uploaded at much too low of a level and with the phones it is preferable to be loud as you can always turn it down if it is too low but even with the highest adjustments on the phone it is still too low compared to NBC and ABC and they need to work with the sound techicians to make it much louder for all the enjoy.

Sadly their morning show is not broadcast in either audio or video which leaves the field to NBC thankfully but hopefully they will realize that viewers want the morning show on line as well.  The world is changing and as their news report says. Hopefully CBS will do so as well to benefit us all please   so we can all benefit. Thanks CBS.

I think there are problems at CBS as their email doesn't work sometimes and there is never even an auto response on your email. And they don't seem to be listening to their viewers and the sound levels are still way too low. and it must be the same sound technician on 60 minutes as their sound level is almost impossible to hear on cell phones or tablets.

 Scott Peley Main anchor talks in a mono tone when reading the news and you wonder who choose him for reading the news. I listened to him the other night and he stumbled several times in reading the news. There are so many young and upcoming news people it makes you wonder how did he get choosen over much more lively readers.   

In the competitive business of news, it seems CBS needs a major revamp in sound technicians, human interest stories on the news, anchors who are bad readers, and more timely dispursement of the podcasts on android.  Is anyone listening at CBS?

From the news wires that explains why CBS News is lagging
 CBS, with its uncertain news talents
Les Moonves, CBS He has always been rather honest about his lack of interest in news. Why does he have to have it? Only to avoid having "he killed the evening news" on his tombstone.

Commercial broadcasters have, in general, lost the will and the talents to do quality news — after all, it really isn't their business.


Write CBS news and tell them if you have a viewpoint or contact them on twitter

Even their desktop uploads are at least 2 days behind and only playable by quicktime even if in mov format and we deserve the privilege of downloading and playing in our player of choice right?

NBC does it correctly even on desktops

 Both the CBS morning and nightly newscasts, remain a distant third behind their competitors at ABC and NBC. There is widespread sentiment in the industry that CBS News is not fighting hard enough to put itself on a level with its competitors, let alone beat them.


 CNN 360 program
Their audio is frightful and their techicians sould listen to NBC and ABC sound levels and borrow their audio programs to make their Anderson Cooper 360 broadcasts are  listenable as now I have to hold my phone right to my ear to hear their sound as it is uploaded at much too low of a level and with the phones it is preferable to be loud as you can always turn it down if it is too low but even with the highest adjustments on the phone it is still too low compared to NBC and ABC and they need to work with the sound techicians to make it much louder for all the enjoy,
360 is not uploaded everyday routinely and it is broadcast in Video which makes them rate high.

my twitter   @worldbloggern

keywords: abc podcasts, nbc news podcasts, cbs podcasts, hard of hearing podcasts, cnn 360 podcast


Some programs are uploaded as podcasts much too low and you wonder where their sound technicians learned their craft.  There are millions of people with hearing problems even if the programs were uploaded correctly but when they are not as CBS is doing on podcasts, you can find a solution like I did . Sadly this would not be necessary if podcasts were broadcast at a  higher level and if too lound you can always turn them down right?

Basically you get a cheap amp that has a sound input and get a proper cord from your headphone jack on your phone to the amp and then turn the program on and then up the sound level to your needs after you connect your external speakers. Some even come with remote control.

Hi-Fi Audio Mini Amplifier with Power Supply $22
or alternative link

mini stereo with mini plug input

check out ebay as well

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Apps now account for majority of digital media time

More than half of the time Americans spend consuming digital media is now being done through mobile apps, according to a new report by comScore. It says the total hit 51 percent in May.

Overall, the report found 60 percent of digital media time was spent on smartphones and tablets rather than desktop computers, up from 50 percent a year ago.


And most of the content providers need to note that Android is the major force in the market for content to be uploaded

Android climbed to 79 percent of smartphone market share in 2013

Android To Hit 80 Percent Market Share 2014— Report

Android accounts for 75 percent market share

Android Tops 81 Percent of the Smartphone Market,24946.html

How to enrich your life with Podcasts on your Android! or iphone

How to enrich your life with Podcasts on your Android! 


If you haven't discovered podcasts on your android or iphone yet its time you do as you can easily watch NBC News two hours after broadcast or download for later viewing in bed or whatever all free.  Also NBC Today show weekdays video and CNN 360 video among thousands of others. You can download top newscast ABC news in audio format as well as CBS news with no commercials at present and thousands more and the top rated This American Life.  Hopefully ABC News will be soon in video format just like NBC. Wonder why CBS hasn't gone video podcasts as well?

Sadly they are not always available everyday even though the broadcast everyday but NBC and ABC are usually faithful in uploading almost everyday. CBS sound technicans do not raise the sound level sufficiently before broadcast too make it listenable even for the hard of hearing and CNN 360 is the same but NBC and ABC do make their podcasts at a higher listening level thankfully. I dont know why they all don't use professional audio programs to raise the level as you can always turn down the volume but android has a maximum level and it is not sufficient in many cases and there are many complaints online about android sound levels not being able to be increased with present software so you can hear in noisy environments or hard of hearing needing higher levels.

Download Podkicker free on Android Google playstore today and check out these links to learn more. I use it daily and find it nice to watch the news downloaded podcast in the kitchen, living room, bedroom and bathroom later at my convenience.  Try it out and you be up to date without bringing you tv with you.

Podcasts for IPHONE

[Android] Podkicker makes listening to podcasts simple and free


Android App Review: Podkicker Podcast Player Free

to do this on your smart phone then this is the app you are looking for. It will aggregate podcast feeds as well as play both audio and video podcasts on your smart phone and much more. Watch to find out all the options and features Podkicker has. By the way it's free.

Top Two


The Best Podcast Manager for iPhone Price: $3.99

our favorite is Pocket Casts because it manages to hit the sweet spot between functionality and usability
The Competition
Downcast ($2.99)
Overcast (Free/$4.99)
Castro ($4.99)

Read more at the source article

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